Page 223 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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            Accretion – The change of a position’s classification due to a gradual and permanent change in the
            assigned duties and responsibilities.

            Across-the-board Increase -  General increase amount given to all eligible employees; may be either
            a flat amount or a percentage of base rate, sometimes referred to as general increase.

            Administrative Leave - Paid leave not charged to annual leave or sick leave

            Anniversary Date - (1) The date used in some merit-pay systems at which a review of the employee's
            salary occurs. It may be the anniversary of hiring, last pay increase, promotion or some other reference

            Appeal- The right of a regular employee to appear before the Personnel Board to be heard on matters
            of discrimination, unfair practices or other grievances of such person in the manner prescribed in these
            policies and procedures. EEOC Director should address claims related to discrimination.

            Applicant - An individual who has completed and submitted an application for employment with the
            Augusta, Georgia Human Resources Department.

            Appointee - An individual selected from a Human Resources referral list in accordance with the
            Policies and Procedures.

            Appointing Authority - Any officer, commission, board or body having the power of appointment,
            employment or removal from positions in any office, department, commission, board or institution; or
            any person or group of persons having the power by virtue of the Constitution, Statute, or lawfully
            delegated authority to make appointments to positions of employment in Augusta, Georgia

            Approved Job Title -  This is a job title that is specifically approved by the Commission to be used
            by accounting department to track all financial transactions associated with the job itself.  An approved
            job title cannot be changed by anyone unless approval is granted by the Commission.

            Associated  Market  Reference  Values  -  The  combination  of  Career  Family,  Career  Band,  Job
            Type/Role, and Contribution Level provides a link to labor market compensation, while the market
            criteria contribute to the defined Career Family framework. Comparing salary data with market data
            contributes to informed decisions about compensation.

            At-will Employee – An employee that can be discharged at any time with or without cause and does
            not have any appeal rights under the disciplinary policies and procedures.

            Authorized  Position  -  A  position  created  through  the  authorized  and  budgeted  addition  to  an
            organizational unit of a position not previously existent.

            Base Wage Rate (or base rate) - The hourly rate or monthly salary paid for a job performed. This
            does not include shift differentials, benefits, overtime, incentive premiums, or any pay element other
            than the base rate.

            Benchmarking -  Process of measuring one’s own services and practices against recognized leaders
            in order to identify areas of improvement.

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