Page 13 - Marshal Annual Report
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Marshal Ramone Lamkin graduated from He was one of fourteen members of the Marshal Lamkin’s office has initiated
T.W. Josey High School in 1993. He attended Sheriff’s Office who led the daily operations programs locally, such as Eddie Eagle.
Columbus State University Command of the 755-man agency. In his division, he
College, where he studied Professional led 140 personnel as they helped carry Under his leadership, the Marshal’s Office
Management. Marshal Lamkin holds out the Sheriff’s goals and strategies. began investigating and charging certain
a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in cases of illegal dumping as felonies in
Criminal Justice from Saint Leo University. Marshal Lamkin graduated from the an effort to improve health and quality of
FBI National Academy Session #277 in life for Richmond County’s citizens and
Marshal Lamkin has over 25 years of 2019. He is also a Georgia Peace Officers to aid in city beautification efforts. His
experience in law enforcement. Before Standards and Training (POST) Basic building security teams have intensified
being elected as Marshal of Richmond Certified and Standard Field Sobriety their training and provided active shooter
County in 2016, he began his law Instructor. Marshal Lamkin is also an training to government employees
enforcement career at the Richmond Adjunct Instructor at Columbus State occupying government facilities, all in an
County Sheriff’s Office, where he served in University and the Police Academy. effort to ensure the safety and security
the detention center, the Road Patrol and of our facility’s occupants and visitors.
Traffic Division. In 2002, Marshal Lamkin Marshal Lamkin has initiated or been
joined the Georgia State Patrol and became involved in many professional and Marshal Lamkin is proud of his three
a state trooper serving across the state. He community initiatives over the years, beautiful children, Hailey, Amelio Jr. (A.J.),
was promoted to the rank of Corporal and including Operation Rolling Thunder and Brooke. He attends Faith Outreach
served as the Assistant Post Commander in (RCSO and Governor’s Office of Highway Church. Marshal Lamkin also serves on the
Swainsboro and Washington, Georgia. He Safety), the HEAT Program (RCSO and board of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA
was also assigned to the Counter Terrorism Governor’s Office of Highway Safety), 2015 and the Augusta Partnership for Children
Task Force for the State of Georgia. Fall Safety Fair Initiative (RCSO), and and is a member of the Rotary Club of
Child Seat Technician Initiative (RCSO). Augusta and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.
In 2012, Marshal Lamkin rejoined the
Richmond County Sheriff’s Office as a As the Marshal of Richmond County,
Lieutenant and became the Division Marshal Lamkin is dedicated to
Commander of the Traffic Safety Division. keeping Augusta CLEAN and SAFE.