Page 56 - Marshal Annual Report
P. 56



                   On September 30, 2023, Marshal Ramone Lamkin hosted his    raffle  prizes  and  other  items  to  support  this  endeavor.
                   first RCMO Charity Golf Tournament at Pointe South Golf Club.   PGA Professional Golfer Vaughn Taylor and local legend
                   The event attracted twenty-six (26) teams, who teed off at 8:30   PGA Member Jim Dent were present to assist the teams
                   am. All proceeds from the golf tournament were used to fund   as  they  navigated  the  9th  and  18th  greens.  The  second
                   Marshal  Lamkin’s  charitable  efforts,  such  as  the  Back-to-  Charity  Golf  Tournament  will  be  held  at  Mount  Vintage
                   School Backpack Drive, the Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, and   Golf Club on September 27, 2024.
                   the Christmas Toy Drive. Dozens of local businesses donated

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