Page 177 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 177

1.  Marshal's Office
                   2.  Public Works - Roads & Bridges
                   3.  Fire Department
                   4.  Transit Department

            Section 1000.405  Definitions

               A.  Damage Assessment -  A monetary forfeiture assessed against an employee found to be at fault
                   as a result of conduct which results in a loss to the Augusta, Georgia.
               B.  Gross or Willful Negligence -  an intentional unreasonable act by an employee knowing the
                   conduct will result in property damage or injury (i.e. - throwing a radio on the ground, provoking
                   or starting a fight). Where the employee initiates or executes the act, knowing the possible results
                   of his or her actions but does not care.
               C.  Negligence -  Conduct that falls below the standard set by law or policy for protecting others
                   against risk or harm. A person is negligent if he/she fails to act with a reasonable amount of care
                   and as a result injures another person or thing.  The following criteria applies –
                       1.  The person has a legal duty or obligation to conform to a certain standard of conduct to
                          protect others or property against unreasonable risk.
                       2.  The person failed to conform to that standard.
                       3.  The persons conduct is so closely related to the resulting injury or damage that it can be
                          said to have caused it (proximate cause).
                       4.  Actual damage (property or injury) results from the persons conduct.
               D.  Proximate Cause - Conduct which is the primary cause from which an injury or damage follows
                   as a direct or immediate consequence and without which the injury or damage would not have

            Section 1000.406  Authority

               A.  The SRC shall be empowered to –
                       1.  Investigate any and all accidents/incidents involving employees, occurring in the course
                          of their employment, and/or equipment which results in personal injury or property loss
                          or damage.
                       2.  Investigate any accidents/incidents occurring on Augusta, Georgia Property.
                       3.  Investigate and review all personal injury accidents and Workers Compensation claims
                          and all records and information to the same.
                       4.  Make recommendations to policy, to any department subordinate to the  Augusta, Georgia
                          through Risk Management Committee on matters pertaining to –
                          a.  Fleet Management/Maintenance,
                          b.  Safe work practices,
                          c.  Loss prevention/security,
                          d.  Claims/tort reduction
                       5.  Levy monetary damage assessments against employees found to be at fault in vehicle
                          accidents or incidents resulting in property damage
                       6.  The SRC has the authority to terminate an employee’s driving privileges as recommended
                          by the Point Matrix.  The SRC can recommend to the department courses of action if
                          driving is a major function of the employee’s job responsibilities.
                       7.  Recommend  disciplinary  action  up  to  and  including  discharge  of  employment  or
                          suspension of an employee for –
                          a.  Gross negligence which results in losses to the Augusta, Georgia
                          b.  Repeated safety violations (complete documentation is required),
                          c.  Accumulation of maximum penalty driving points for driver error (see RM-SRC-PM
                              – PENALTY MATRIX). Most employees are terminated for loss of job requirement,

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